Contact SFFA
Contacting us is very important to us. You can do that through a variety of ways.
First of all, you can contact us personally: We are located in Chapel Hill, (see below for the entire address, phone, fax numbers, and the map). There, we'll be waiting for any visitor, parent and/or friend, to give all the information you ask for. We will give you, a tour about our facility, so you can experience by yourself how we are involved in our programs.
You can contact us by phone Our phone numbers are (919) 969-9055 and (919) 942-4129 or by email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
You can contact us by fax. Our fax number is (919) 969-9081. Fax will be useful to answer those questions that we have to search for information because we don’t have at hand. But you can be sure we will answer as soon as we get it.
You can contact us by e-mail. Our digital address if you prefer send us your question, click here. Trough this media, you will also receive an immediately replay, even, as we said before, to those questions we have to search for information.
We are waiting for you to CONTACT US
Spanish for Fun Academy
1001 South Columbia St.
Chapel Hill, NC 27514
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone (919) 969-9055
(919) 942-4129
Fax (919) 969-9081
Come and visit us.